Director: Stéphane Raimbault |
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A different OASIS exists at every hour of the day, in every season, but the loveliest is the OASIS carried away with you when you leave, to which you can return at leisure to relive those moments of happiness.
Upstairs, comfortable armchairs are provided for the guests, a place to enjoy an apéritif, a liqueur, or simply to investigate the cigar case in front of the fireplace. This versatile space also allows for seminars and private banquets for those wishing to combine study days and gastronomy.
The very modern style of cooking - modern in that it fulfills the expectations of today's guests - is wisely updated each season. Provençal herbs, fruits and vegetables from local farmers and fish from nearby waters have a great deal to do with its perfect quality, expressed in a style that is both Mediterranean and highly individual.
Stéphane is also fortunate to have his brother François, a skilled pastry chef, as part of the firm, where he has raised the art of pâtisserie to new heights. The dessert trolley with its marvelous desserts, petits fours and other dainties contribute to the restaurant's worldwide renown.
The restaurant
As soon as you enter, a deep feeling of peace fills you to the core. At the far end, you can see the gleaming copperware of the kitchen. The main dining room opens onto a wide patio, which in turn gives onto a garden filled with exotic colours right in the heart of the city. What pleasure to enjoy a summer lunch outdoors in the shade of a hundred-year old plane tree, or to dine by the light of candles and lanterns. This idyllic setting with its thousand and one colours, enhanced with fine linens, beautiful china, crystal, silver and fresh flowers, is a fitting backdrop for the thousand and one flavours to come.
2009 - The forty-seat Bistro de L'Oasis will open in early May at L'Oasis in La Napoule. Located above the gastronomic restaurant, it will offer rooftop lunches with a choice of 3 first courses, 3 main courses and 3 desserts, at reasonable prices likely to please customers in the present economic climate. Also new: the launch of the Oasis workshops. This summer Stéphane, his brother François and head sommelier Pascal Peaulze will offer courses in cooking, pastry and wines.

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