Worldwide Gourmet
Worldwide Gourmet

King Cakes are a vibrant part of the Mardi Gras tradition in New Orleans, with sparkling colored frosting and sprinkles of purple, gold, and green.

February - Mardi Gras festival in Martinique
February - Mardi Gras festival in Martinique

Beginning at 8 a.m., sellers offer this delicious treat, made with banana, apple, pineapple... Head to the Grand Marché to stock up on carnival fritters and country flavors - and join in the celebrations! It's Mardi Gras in Martinique.

February - Mardi Gras Feast
February - Mardi Gras Feast

When Mardi Gras comes round, doughnuts reappear on all the tables. They're a symbol of opulence, because they're rich in flour, eggs and milk. They change name and shape by region and country. Recipes vary but each one is more delicious than the last! Hop aboard to discover merveilles, oreillettes, bugnes, fritelles, bunuelos and the other doughnuts of carnival! 

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