March - Hawaii
March - Hawaii

A Culinary Journey to Hawaii
Taste exciting and eclectic Pacific Rim cuisine and sample the colorful palette of ethnic dishes and culture that captures Hawaii's diversity.

Conversion Table


American European
1/8 teaspoon 1/2 ml
1/4 teaspoon 1 ml
1/2 teaspoon 3 ml
1 teaspoon 5 ml
1/4 tablespoon 4 ml
1/2 tablespoon 8 ml
1 tablespoon 15 ml
1/8 cup 35 ml
1/4 cup 65 ml
1/3 cup 85 ml
3/8 cup 95 ml
1/2 cup 125 ml
5/8 cup 160 ml
2/3 cup 170 ml
3/4 cup 190 ml
7/8 cup 220 ml
1 cup 250 ml


Common Abbreviations

• 1 litre is noted 1 L
• 1 decilitre is noted 1 dl
• 1 centilitre is noted 1 cl
• 1 millilitre is noted 1 ml

Metric System
• 1 litre = 10 decilitres = 100 centilitres = 1000 millilitres
• 1 decilitre = 0,1 litre = 10 centilitres = 100 millilitres
• 1 centilitre = 0,01 litre = 0,1 decilitre = 10 millilitres
• 1 millilitre = 0,001 litre = 0,01 decilitre = 0,1 centilitre

Fahrenheit to Celcius Conversion Scale

 Fahrenheit Celsius   Thermostat (France)
 150°F 70°C   T/2
  200°F  100°C  T/3 
 250°F 120°C  T/4 
 300°F 150°C  T/5
 350°F 180°C  T/6
  400°F   200°C  T/7 
 450°F  230°C  T/8
 500°F  260°C  T/9 
Broil  Gril  

Common Abbreviations
°C = Celsius
°F = Farenheit  

Oven - Other information

Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius
very low heat 150°F 70°C
low heat 200°F 100°C
medium 350°F 180°C
hot 425°F 210°C
very hot or grill 500°F 260°C


American European Other
1/2 oz 15 g  
1 oz 30 g  
1/8 lbs 55 g 2 oz
1/4 lbs 115 g 4 oz
1/3 lbs 150 g  
3/8 lbs 170 g  
1/2 lbs 225 g 8 oz
5/8 lbs 285 g  
2/3 lbs 310 g  
3/4 lbs 340 g  
7/8 lbs 400 g  
1 pound 454 g 16 oz
2,2 lbs 1 kg  

Common Abbreviations
oz = ounce
lbs = pound

1 kilogram is noted 1 kg
1 gram is noted 1 g

1 kilogram = 1000 grams
1 gram = 0,001 kilogram

Express Measure 

All-prupose flour
1 cup = 100 grams
1 tablespoon = 8 grams

1 cup = 200 grams
1 tablespoon = 15 grams

Icing sugar
1 cup = 100 grams
1 tablespoon = 8 grams

Brown sugar
1 cup = 200 grams
1 tablespoon = 15 grams

Butter, margarine
1 cup = 200 grams
1 tablespoon = 15 grams

1 cup = 150 grams
1 tablespoon = 12 grams

1 cup = 50 grams
1 tablespoon = 4 grams

1 cup = 210 grams
1 tablespoon = 16 grams

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