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Spa Cuisine > So how well do you know your fruits and vegetables?
Flash on 13 varieties
Fun facts in collaboration with the Dole Nutrition Institute and Jenn LaVardera, MS, RD, nutrition and health communications manager for the Dole Food Company
Bananas top the charts worldwide
The iconic yellow fruit is not only North America’s most popular produce, it is also one of the most-purchased single items in the supermarket around the world. Did you know they come in every color? While the ripeness of regular bananas is rated in seven different shades from dark green to yellow and “cheetah spotted,” other varieties are available in a range of color hues, including bright red.
Watermelon … in the bedroom?
Watermelon provides an excellent source of Vitamins A and C as well as a top source of lycopene. Lycopene is a colorful carotenoid that may enhance male fertility and function as a natural alternative to Viagra, according to lab research.
Down with Diabetes, Up with Broccoli!
British researchers found that sulforaphane – an indirect antioxidant in broccoli – reduced production of free radicals by 73%, protecting blood vessels from damage that quadruples the risk of heart disease, a condition people with diabetes are five times more likely to develop.
Strawberries promote heart health.
In a study from the University of Toronto, patients at risk for heart disease saw a 13% drop in bad LDL cholesterol after adding three cups of strawberries to their diets. Strawberries also support brain function and are high in vitamin C, fiber and manganese – all for only 46 calories per cup!
Blueberries…in outer space!
Researchers at Tufts University believe that blueberries may someday protect astronauts against the radiation-induced free-radical damage experienced during extended space flight.
Celery can fight breast cancer?
Not only is celery a dieter’s dream at 16 calories per cup – the stalky vegetable contains apigenin, a compound that may prove an ally in the crusade against breast cancer. Scientists from the University of Missouri demonstrated that apigenin delayed onset of tumors by 38%.
Strong to the finish … Cuz I eats me spinach!
Spinach may be one of the healthiest foods on earth, supporting six body systems: heart, eyes, brain, skin, bones and immunity. Popeye’s favorite food may even help maintain mental sharpness and reduce risk of certain cancers, according to preliminary research.
Pineapples are a wonder healer.
This sweet, tropical fruit is the only source of an enzyme called bromelain, which has been proved to reduce inflammation, provide pain relief and help skin injuries heal faster. It may even alleviate asthma symptoms.
Eat greens to feed your brain!
Folate-packed foods like asparagus and salad greens have been linked to lower risk of cognitive decline and dementia in women.
Cauliflower can fight prostate cancer?
Cauliflower contains glucosinolates, which may trigger your body’s own natural defense systems. Canadian scientists found that men with prostate cancer who ate cauliflower more than once per week cut their risk of the cancer turning aggressive by more than 50%.
Cool as a cucumber.
It’s not just a hip phrase – cucumbers have an exceptionally high water content greater than 95%, which causes the inside of the vegetable to be up to 20-degrees cooler than the outside temperature.
Grapefruit, a (not-so-hidden) weight-loss secret.
The old “grapefruit diet” has finally been proven by science. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic found that people who ate half a grapefruit with every meal for 12 weeks lost an average of 3.6 pounds, while those who drank grapefruit juice three times a day lose 3.3 pounds. Many subjects lost more than 10 pounds in the study!
Kiwi fruit: An ancient Chinese secret.
While New Zealand is nearly synonymous with kiwi, the sweet, exotic fruit originally came from China in the early 20th century. Each kiwi fruit contains more than the Daily Value of vitamin C and is a heart-healthy food. Eating two to three kiwis a day can even significantly lower blood clot risk!
Photo : MSCOMM / 123 ID: 21574441 My Make OU
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