All About Poultry > How to Carve
Roast chicken, turkey, duck, capon, quail: they're all carved in the same way. Get a long sharp knife and a large fork and let us take you through the process step by step. You'll see that carving poultry is easy!

- Cut the skin along the leg, moving down toward the joint.
- Detach the leg from the bird by cutting through the joint tendons.
- Continue with the other leg.
If it's a large bird, cut the legs in half at the joint, between the thigh and drumstick.

- Lift up the wing joint with a fork.
- Cut at shoulder level, at the wishbone (the joint between the neck and the top of the wing).
NB: The breast can be removed easily when carving the wing. When it remains attached to the wing, it's known as a "supreme."

Also detach the breast meat connected to the wishbone. If it's a large bird, cut the breast into several pieces.
For duck, remove the breast in long strips.

The oyster consists of the 2 pieces of succulent meat located on each side of the bird's backbone, between the base of the legs and the base of the wings. They're well hidden, and we tend to forget them!
Turn the bird over and with the point of a knife, remove the oysters by cutting them out of their hollows.

Thanks to the Association de Promotion de la Volaille Française for their collaboration.

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