Coriander or cilantro - Culinary File
Nutritional value
Rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins C and K and provitamin A.
It’s best to buy fresh cilantro rather than dried, since the fresh has much better flavor.
Cilantro will keep for 2 to 3 weeks in the refrigerator if the stems are placed in a small glass of water. It’s best to cover the glass with a plastic bag and close it tightly with an elastic.
Fresh cilantro has a penetrating flavor with a slight taste of anise. It can be used to flavor fish, poultry, soups, stews, fresh and fried vegetables and yogurt.
The fresh leaves can be used like parsley in salads, salsa, tomato sauce, etc.
It’s best to add the leaves during the last minute of cooking to preserve their full flavor. Use just a tiny amount at the beginning until you are accustomed to cilantro’s unique taste.
To best appreciate this herb, it’s often necessary to crush it with other spices (garlic) or pair it with mint.
Try a mixture of cilantro, mint leaves and chives to season crab cakes.
Marinate your veal chops in a mixture of oil, lime juice, cilantro, salt and pepper before broiling or grilling them.
Use the leaves in broths for cooking fish and shellfish.
Fresh idea
Freeze cilantro with water in ice cube trays; use the cubes to flavor a Bloody Mary.
Hints & Tips