
A traditional food of France's Bordeaux region, woodpigeon is most famously prepared as "salmis de palombe,"  served in a wine sauce with garlic croutons.

Aside from this salmis, a specialty of the Basque country is flambéed woodpigeon. It is also found as "confit," wrapped in fat and roasted.

In southwestern France, salmis is made with older birds and served with a variation of polenta called "escauton." Young tender birds are cooked on the grill or on a spit.

Cooking tips from Philippe Chevrier
The meat is dark, delicate and very flavorful. It can be roasted simply without using too high a heat. Overcooking ruins it. 

I like combining it with a few figs. Make the sauce from a strong stock made from the carcasses and add some sweet spices such as ginger, cardamom, licorice and cinnamon. 


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