Prep. time: Under 30 minutes
Cooking time: About 1 1/4 hours
"The ingredients need to be covered with plenty of water. Traditionally, 40 minutes before the end of the cooking time, the desired amount of broth is ladled out and placed in another pot to cook the rice, to make it very flavorful." In Senegal, this traditional dish is usually made with a local fish called "thioff." Hake is the fish that is most similar, but you could also substitute other lean fish such as whiting, haddock, dorado, conger, etc.
- Cut the fish up into sections;
- prepare a stuffing by grinding 1 onion, the parsley and 1 chili in a mortar; season with salt; make an opening in each piece of fish and insert a small amount of the stuffing (the stuffing is optional);
- in a pot, brown the pieces of fish in peanut oil; remove and set aside;
- add the onion and crushed tomatoes thinned with a little water; bring to a boil;
- add the peeled vegetables, whole or halved depending on their size, and the dried fish, cut into pieces;
- cover with water; season with salt and pepper; simmer covered for 30 minutes;
- add the fish and continue cooking for 30 minutes longer over low heat;
- 40 minutes before the end of the cooking time, cook the rice as described above.
Photo by Peanut Oil Lesieur.
ID 46424347 / Mychko Alexander / 123rf / MSCOMM

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