Flying Fish (or White Fish) à la Ritz Recipe
Flavors of Barbados
Total time: 15 to 30 minutes
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note
Easy to prepare, this recipe is imbued with all the flavors of the islands.

To avoid having to keep the fish warm while cooking the bananas, use two skillets and cook the two simultaneously.

Ingredients for 4 servings
- 8 flying fish or 8 Turbot fillets
- 2 tbsp. butter
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 4 small cooking bananas
- Salt and pepper
- A little flour
- 4 tbsp. Italian vermouth
- 6 tbsp. heavy cream (35%)
  1. Drizzle the lemon juice over the fillets; season with salt and pepper and coat with flour on both sides;
  2. heat some butter in a skillet; cook the fillets for 2 minutes on each side;
  3. remove the fish from the pan and place on a serving platter;
  4. deglaze the pan with the vermouth and cream and simmer until the sauce thickens;
  5. spoon the sauce over the fish; place a fried banana half on each fillet.

Fried Bananas

  1. Peel and halve the bananas lengthwise;
  2. sprinkle with orange or lime juice; dip each piece in flour;
  3. fry in butter until golden.
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