Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F)
Preparation time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
This is a relatively easy first course that will delight your guests. This one simple idea can be a starting point for countless inspired variations, so don’t hesitate to go ahead and give this recipe your own personal twist.
Use organic products and always be on the lookout for new ideas when you go the market. Adapt whatever vegetables are in season. Try mauve eggplants, yellow zucchini… Release the artist within you!
Use Parmesan cheese from a block. The dry grated variety won’t work for the tuiles. When heated it simply turns into red dust.
- Preheat the oven to 200° C (400° F).
- Cut 8 nice slices of tomato, zucchini, eggplant and goat cheese.
- Cut 4 nice thick slices of honeydew melon or dragon fruit and 8 very thin rounds of onion.
- Put the “millefeuilles” together in layers in the following order: eggplant, tomato, zucchini, chevre, tomato, zucchini, onion, egpplant and chevre.
Making the Parmesan tuiles
- On a parchment-lined baking sheet, arrange the grated Parmesan in 4 small flat rounds like cookies – don’t place them too close together since they will spread as they bake.
- Place in a 200° C (400° F) oven for about 6 minutes.
- Watch them closely and remove when they begin to brown. Let cool before removing from the baking sheet so they have a chance to firm up.
Making the raspberry vinegar and maple syrup reduction
- Over high heat, heat the vinegar for 1 minute and then add the maple syrup: cook together until syrupy; let rest off the heat.
Finishing and presentation
- Place the millefeuilles in the oven (still at 200° C / 400° F) for about 6 minutes – about the time it takes to set up the plates.
- Place a small nest of alfalfa sprouts in the center of each plate. Place a slice of honeydew melon or dragon fruit on top. This will form the base of the presentation.
- Drizzle the raspberry and maple syrup reduction around the central piece (alfalfa sprouts and fruit). Drizzle two other larger circles to decorate the base of the plate.
- Remove the millefeuilles from the oven; place one millefeuille on each base (alfalfa sprouts and fruit); garnish with a few sprouts, a Parmesan tuile and one or two edible flowers, depending on their size. Be sure the assembly of your plates is stable before serving them.
Sylvain Proulx, Plus Minus Café, Mont Tremblant

Hints & Tips