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New Year's Toasts and Traditions from around the world
Raise a glass for Holiday Cheer!
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Happy New Year! Throughout North America, at the stroke of midnight on January 1st, loved ones kiss, champagne flows, Auld Lang Syne is sung, and a year is laid to rest as the New Year is embraced.
New Year's, celebrated by different cultures on different days throughout the year, is a special holiday around the world. Although customs vary, the sentiments are the same - health, happiness and success in the year ahead. Here is a look at some traditions and toasts around the world.
Just before midnight on January 1st, Argentineans flock to the streets to celebrate with neighbours. Kids light fireworks to ring in the New Year with a bang
Toast: Saude! Viva! (sah-OO-Day! Vee-va)
Bonne année : Feliz Ano Novo
If Brazilians are waiting for the new year at the beach, they go to the sea and jump into the waves seven times because they believe it will bring them luck during the upcoming year.Toast: Saúde
Happy New Year: Xin Nian Hao
Chinese New Year is the most important celebration of the year with fireworks to scare off evil spirits, parades and a Festival of Lanterns, in which thousands of lanterns light the way to the New YearToast: Niennien Ju e (nyen nyen zhu ee)
Happy New Year: Feliz Año Nuevo
They then consume 12 grapes for the 12 months of the coming year. While they're eating each grape, they make a wish for the new year (12 wishes total). Some people take a piece of luggage and walk around the block with it; this is meant to bring travel opportunities your way in the new year! Some also burn large effigies to symbolize "Out with the old, in with the new."Toast: Salud!
Czech Republic
Happy New Year: Šťastný nový rok!
Toast: Na zdraví!
To "smash" in the New Year, at midnight, young people bang on friends' doors
Toast: Proost (PROH-sit), Skål
Happy New Year: Bonne année with the traditional "bise" (a kiss on each cheek).
A large pancake breakfast is traditional on New Year's DayToast: A votre santé (A votre santay)
On New Year's Day, Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace with the hope that they will receive gifts. Also known as the Festival of St. Basil, gifts are exchanged on this day rather than at Christmas.
It is considered good luck to smash a pomegranate (a symbol if happiness and prosperity) against the door of the house-- the more seeds and mess it makes the luckier the year will be.
Toast: Eislgian (Ees IGEE-an)
Happy New Year: Frohes neues Jahr
A lot of people put a bit of hot lead into cold water in order to read their fortune for the upcoming year based on the shape that appears in the water.Toast: Prost!
Happy New Year: Buon anno
Italians often give oranges to family, friends and neighbours on New Year's Day.
In southern Italy, some people throw old dishes and other old things out the window to symbolize "out with the old, in with the new."Toast: A la Salute (ah lah sa-LOO-tay) or Cin Cin (chin chin)
Happy new year: Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu
At midnight, gongs sound 108 times for the 108 sins a person can commit. It is believed that listening to the gongs cleanses one's heart and erases past sins for a fresh New YearToast: Kampai (Kahm-PAH-ee)
For good luck, at midnight, people go in the front door and out the back door
Toast: Athbhliain faoi Mhaise duit (AH-vhee ihn fwee WAH-shuh wich)
Happy New Yar: Saehae bok mani baduseyo
Toast : Gunbae
Happy New Year: Un An Nou Fericit!
Toast: Noroc
Happy New Year: Feliz Año or Feliz Año Nuevo
For each gong of the clock at midnight, people pop a grape into their mouths. Twelve grapes symbolize good luck for each month of the New Year
It’s considered bad luck to toast with water or with a plastic glass. Sometimes people put a gold ring in their glass (with champagne) and they wear red clothes to attract money and love for the next year.Toast: Salud (Sa LUUD)

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