January - Truffle Festival
January - Truffle Festival

The 3rd weekend of January -  Come and enjoy the Black Perigord during the Sarlat truffle festival.

Spa cuisine
Spa cuisine

It's not just carrots anymore. Today's spa cuisine is as multi-disciplined as any of the culinary arts – and as varied as a spa treatment menu. The best of spa cuisine says that you care about health.

These days, trying to eat a balanced diet can prove to be a challenge. In Gourmetpedia's recipe listings, you'll find many healthful recipes inspired by the Mediterranean diet, Chinese tradition or various cooking methods (grilling, wok-cooking, etc.) Here are just a few that were specially designed to "boost moral" by being both delicious and low in calories.


Healthy Eating
Food and Fitness

Green Tea, the fat burner

Mache or Lamb's Lettuce - Anti-stress, anti-fatigue and chock full of vitamins, Lamb's Lettuce doesn't lack spirit!

Spring leek - Our body's "blotter"

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