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All about fava beans / broad beans > Health and nutrition
Fava beans: The Green Protein
Like all other beans, fava beans (also referred to as “broad beans”) have a very high content of what nutritionists call “perfect proteins”—meaning they are loaded with amino acids; they are also rich in fibers and vitamins A, B, C, K, E, PP and mineral salts.
The pairing of cacio e fave—cheese and beans—is not just a marriage of convenience between a humble raw legume and a cheese of world renown. This combination—with the addition of fresh country bread—is symbolic of the instinctive wisdom of civiltà contadina (loosely translated as “peasant culture”) and its authentic, inexpensive and quintessentially healthy food.
Calories : 83
Water : 81 g
Proteins : 5.6 g
Fat: 0.6 g
Carbs: 7.5 g
- Total fat: 7.13 g
Fibres : 4.2 g
Minerals and oligo-elements
Calcium : 22 mg
Fer : 1.9 mg
Magnésium : 38 mg
Phosphorus : 95 mg
Potassium : 250 mg
Sodium : 50 mg
Zinc : 0.58 mg
Copper : 0.07 mg
Manganese : 0.32 mg
Selenium : 1.2 µg
Pro-Vitamin A : 0 µg
ß-Carotene : 210 µg
Vitamin D : 0 µg
Vitamin C : 33 mg
Vitamin B1 : 0.17 mg
Vitamin B2 : 0.11 mg
Vitamin B3 : 1.5 mg
Vitamin B5 : 0.09 mg
Vitamin B6 : 0.04 mg
Vitamin B9 : 0 µg
Vitamin B12 : 0 µg
Saturated fat: 0.14 g
MonoInsaturated fat: 0.02 g
PolyInsaturated fat: 0.31 g
Oleic acid: 0.02 g
Linoleic acid: 0.12 g
O-Linolénic acid: 0.19 g
DHA : 0 g
DPA : 0 g
Cholesterol : 0 mg

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