From the market to your plate
From the market to your plate

All about Hokkaido squash > From the market to your plate


Cut in half or in wedges depending on the recipe. Remove the seeds and filaments with a spoon.


Winter squash should be firm and deeply colored with a heavy feel. The skin should be dull, hard and smooth. When immature, they have no flavor; too old, they become stringy and pasty.


This squash has excellent storing properties, and will keep until April of the next year in a dry cellar. The longer the fruit is stored, the higher its vitamin and sugar content.


It has a rich sweet flavor, but can be dry and flaky when overcooked.

Peel the squash and remove the seeds; dice the flesh. Cook in simmering water for 30 minutes. The squash should break up.

Use in any dish in which you would use buttercup squash.


Savory Hokkaido squash and bacon cake

  1. Cook the Hokkaido squash in boiling water or steam it: mash the flesh without adding any liquid.
  2. In a bowl, beat together 1/4 cup melted butter and 3 eggs until foamy. Add in 10 oz. of Hokkaido purée, 6 tbsp. milk, 1 packet of yeast and 2 oz. each of white flour and whole wheat flour. Knead the mixture well.
  3. Sauté 5 oz. small bacon bits until just lightly colored; add to the batter; season with salt and pepper; mix in other ingredients as desired. Blend well. Butter and flour a cake pan, tapping out the excess flour.
  4. Pour in the batter. Sprinkle with pine nuts and bake in a 400° F for about 45 minutes.

Hokkaido squash jam

  1. Purée the cooked squash in a blender to obtain a smooth and relatively liquid purée.
  2. Add 2 cups sugar, 10 oz. fruit, either fresh, such as apples or pears, or dried, such as apricots, raisins or prunes, and 1 tbsp. vanilla.
  3. Return the mixture to the heat and cook for about 20 minutes more, stirring often with a wooden spoon (a metal spoon may react). The heat should be low to prevent the jam from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
  4. Place into jars with a vanilla or a cinnamon stick and cover while still hot.

Photo : MSCOMM - ID : 22349831 / anitasstudio

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