Ricotta Panna Cotta with Marinated Oranges Recipe
Ricotta Panna Cotta with Marinated Oranges
Flavors of Italy
Total time: less than 15 minutes

Prep. time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 3 minutes
Cooling time: 2 hours 

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

Chef's tip
You can substitute agar agar for the gelatin (4 g is enough to set the cream). 

Tip from Casa Azzurra (ricotta distributor)
This is a classic dessert revisited with the lightness of ricotta. Citrus is an essential in Italian recipes, particularly in Sicilian dishes. 

For 6 servings

- 250 g ricotta
- 30 g honey
- 90 g sugar
- 100 ml / 2/5 cup water
- 400 ml / 1 3/5 cups cream 15%
- 3 gelatin leaves (2 g each) or 1 1/2 packets

Panna cotta

  1. Wash and zest the oranges.
  2. Bring the 100 ml cream to a boil.
  3. Immerse the gelatin leaves in a bowl of cold water to soften them, then drain. Combine them with the hot cream, then transfer to a bowl.
  4. Add the remaining cream, orange zest, ricotta and sugar. Mix well.
  5. Pour the mixture into 6 glass dishes and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.


  1. Peel the oranges, removing all the pith, and cut out the segments.
  2. Bring the water and honey to a boil. Reduce until syrupy.
  3. Combine the syrup with the orange segments; refrigerate.
  4. Just before serving, place a few orange segments into the glass dishes of panna cotta.
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