Pelion Sausage - Spetsofai Recipe
Pelion Sausage - Spetsofai
Flavors of Greece
Total time: 1hr to 2hr
Preparation and waiting time: 1 hour
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note
This is a typical country dish from the region of Pelion, between Athens and Thessalonika, popular in "hanis," or old mountain taverns that serve hearty rustic long-simmered dishes.
- 450 g (1 lb.) eggplant
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) olive oil
- 450 g (1 lb.) green peppers, seeded and cut up
- 450 g (1 lb.) tomatoes, seeded and sliced
- 200 g (7 oz.) Uncooked sausage, sliced into rounds
- Salt, fresh oregano
- 1 leek or 1 onion, sliced
  1. Slice a large eggplant; sprinkle with salt and leave for 1 hour to exude its water;
  2. rinse; drain and pat dry;
  3. brown the eggplant slices and peppers in oil in a skillet;
  4. add the tomatoes, leek and oregano; season with salt; cover and simmer for 40 minutes;
  5. fry the sausages in another pan; add the vegetable mixture;
  6. cook 10 minutes longer; correct the seasoning and serve hot.
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