Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: About 1 hour 10 minutes
Rice in Egypt
Egypt is the largest rice producer in the Near East region. Rice production was probably introduced into Egypt in the 7th Century. Today, rice production takes place only in the Lower Valley of the Nile River. Due to the intrusion of sea-water, about 25 to 30% of the land in the lower Nile Valley is affected by different degrees of salinity. In these areas, rice production helps to leach the salt from upper soil layers and thus reclaim the land for agricultural activities.
Most of the planted rice varieties are japonica. The high solar radiation, the long days and the cool nights between May and September are favorable to a high rice yield. In fact, the Egyptian rice yield is one of the highest in the world (9.1 tonnes per hectare in 2001). Because of limited water resources, the government of Egypt has tried to limit rice cultivation. But cultivation has continued to expand due to rice production's high profits, and Egypt is today a major rice exporter.
Many rice dishes have been perfected by the Egyptians. Ruzz mu'ammar bi-I-tuyur, or baked rice with milk and pigeon, is regularly served in restaurants in major cities such as Alexandria.
- Parboil the pigeons for 10 minutes, cut them into neat pieces.
- Rub them with salt and black pepper and fry lightly, then remove from the frying pan, and place them onto absorbent paper.
- Place rice in a deep oven bowl. Stir the cinnamon into the milk and pour over the rice.
- Bury the previously prepared pigeon in the rice.
- Cut the butter into tiny pieces and sprinkle over the rice.
- Place the bowl in the middle of a moderately pre-heated oven and bake until the top is brown (about 1 hour). Serve immediately while hot.

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