In Quebec, it's the sugarshack season. Learn all about maple syrup, maple sugar, maple taffy, maple butter. Discover the benefits of maple water with its 46 bioactive nutrients. Indulge yourself with more than 70 recipes from chefs within Quebec and abroad.

A Culinary Journey to Hawaii
Taste exciting and eclectic Pacific Rim cuisine and sample the colorful palette of ethnic dishes and culture that captures Hawaii's diversity.

Do you know kaffir lime?
It's like a bumpy lime. The juice, zest and leaves can all be used to flavor a dish or make a thirst-quenching drink
Yuzu is a Japanese citrus lemon to flavor salted and sweet dishes. C'est le citron japonais qui parfume autant les plats salés que sucrés. Très tendance actuellement dans les sauces et les cocktails.
It's a little fruit the size of a golf ball, known as the "queen fruit" in southeast Asia

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