Mexican Spiced Coffee made with Mexican ground coffee, cinnamon, and raw dark sugar that they called “Piloncillo” is a traditional recipe enjoyed by generations.
2nd November, Mexico celebrates the Day of Dead (Dia de muertos): a combination of prehispanic traditions in Mexico and the Catholic influence as the Catholic Church celebrates All Saint’s Day on November 1st and All Soul’s Day on November 2. But only in Mexico these celebrations became a festivity, a moment not only to remember those who have died but even more to celebrate their life, legacy and memories. By celebrating with them, they remain with us!
During this celebration time we eat a special sweet bread called “Pan de muerto” (bread of dead) that is decorated with little bread bones.
- In a medium saucepan, place the water, cinnamon, and Piloncillo (or brown sugar). Turn heat and simmer until the piloncillo is dissolved. About 7 minutes.
- When the water starts boiling, add the coffee, turn the heat off and stir.
- Cover the pot and let steep for 5 minutes.
- Pour through a strainer and serve hot.

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