Coconut Ice Cream Recipe
Coconut Ice Cream
Flavors of Barbados
Total time: more than 2 hours

Prep. time: 10 minutes
Waiting time: 4-6 hours
Cooking time: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

Ice cream and fruits are very popular in tropical countries. 

You can add a fruit purée to this basic recipe to make mango, papaya, passion fruit or banana ice cream. 

Why not prepare a variety of different ice creams so you can contrast various flavors and colors?

For coconut ice cream
- 1 grated Coconut
- 1 liter + 750 ml (4 + 3 cups) milk
- 4 eggs
- Sugar to taste

For banana or other flavors of ice cream
- Replace the coconut with 6 bananas or other fruit
- 1 liter (4 cups) milk
- 4 eggs
- Juice of 1 lime
- Sugar to taste
  1. Pour 750 ml (3 cups) hot milk over the grated coconut and let infuse for a few minutes; strain and squeeze the coconut to extract all the liquid.
  2. Heat the litre of milk with the beaten eggs over low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens like a custard.
  3. Add the coconut milk.
  4. Freeze in an ice cream maker or place in the freezer for two hours, whisk for a few seconds and return to the freezer; repeat the process once or twice.
  5. Serve with fruit slices or fruit syrup.

Banana or other fruit ice cream

  1. Heat the milk and eggs over low heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens.
  2. Let the preparation cool; add the fruit purée with a splash of lime juice.
  3. Use an ice cream maker or refrigerate for 2 hours; whisk in a blender for a few seconds and return to the refrigerator. Repeat the process 1 to 2 more times.
  4. Serve with fruit slices or a fruit coulis.


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