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Lamb Axoa with Espelette Pepper Recipe
Lamb Axoa with Espelette Pepper
Jean-Marie Amat, anc. Restaurant Jean-Marie Amat, 1946-2018, France
Jean-Marie Amat, anc. Restaurant Jean-Marie Amat, 1946-2018, France
Flavors of Basque Country
Total time: 1hr to 2hr

Prep. time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 1 hour

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note

Lamb axoa is a typical dish from the Basque country, prepared in the same way as a stew.

For 4 servings

- 1 lamb shoulder
- 4 lamb tongues
- 4 lamb feet (trotters)
- 2 onions
- 1 large red sweet pepper
- 8 mild green chilis
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 2 bay leaves
  1. Blanch the lamb’s tongues and feet; skin the tongues;
  2. cut the lamb shoulder into 1 cm cubes, as well as the onions, red pepper and green chilies;
  3. in a Dutch oven, sweat the onions, pepper, chilies, garlic and bay leaves in a little fat;
  4. sauté the lamb shoulder in a skillet; add the meat to the ingredients in the Dutch oven; add the tongues, feet and powdered chili;
  5. add water or white lamb stock up to the level of the meat;
  6. cover and bring to a boil; cook the lamb shoulder 20 to 25 minutes and strain;
  7. finish cooking the feet and tongue by simmering, uncovered.

I suggest a Château Lynch Bages 1993 Pauillac

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