Confit Tomatoes with Thyme and Vegetable "Spaghetti" Recipe
Flavors of Belgium
Cooking time: 30 minutes + 1 hour to cook the tomatoes
Total time: 1hr to 2hr
Preparation time: 15 minutesCooking time: 30 minutes + 1 hour to cook the tomatoes
Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note
This vegetarian dish contains all the flavors of the sunny south.
Ingredients for 4 servings
- 8 Tomatoes
- 1 bunch of fresh Thyme
- 1 bottle of cold-pressed olive oil
- 1 bunch of basil
- 10 g (1 tbsp. each) chervil, dill and chives
- 1 celeriac (celery root)
- 300 ml (1 1/4 cups) crème fraîche
- 1 Carrot, cut into spaghetti-like strands
- 1 zucchini, cut into spaghetti-like strands
- Salt and pepper
- 10 g (2 tbsp.) cooked green beans
- A handful of raw spinach
Preparing the Confit Tomatoes
- Hull the tomatoes and cut into quarters; squeeze out the seeds;
- place on a baking sheet and cover with olive oil; season with salt and pepper;
- add the thyme leaves;
- place in a 90° C (200° F) oven for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the ripeness of the tomatoes.
- Peel and cut the celeriac into pieces; cut in salted water until tender; drain; season with salt and pepper; add the cream; purée;
- separately, purée the green beans and spinach in a blender.
- Coat the bottom of 4 plates with the celeriac cream sauce;
- pour the green sauce on top in an eight-branched star shape;
- between each branch place a drained confit tomato wedge; sprinkle with dill and chives;
- separately, combine the carrot and zucchini "spaghetti" with a little vinaigrette (oil, vinegar, mustard); roll into dome shape with some chervil; place in the centre of the plates and insert a sprig of basil in the top.
I recommend an Alsatian wine, such as a Pinot Blanc, to accompany this dish,
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