Pizza Margherita was created in 1889 by pizza maker Raffaele Esposito as a tribute to the Queen of Italy, Margherita di Savoia, because its ingredients represent the colors of the Italian flag.
The procedure is the same as in Neapolitan Pizza.
There is also a tomato-less version of this pizza. This pizza is called Margherita bianca.
Peel, seed and coarsly crush the tomatoes. Add garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and set aside.
Prepare the dough, following the Pizza Dough Basic Recipe. When ready, punch each of the dough balls into a disk of about 20 cm / 8-in. in diameter, slide the pastry disk on to an edgeless shovel (pala) coated with flour.
Spread the previously prepared sauce over the pastry disks.
Simply spread the diced Mozzarella over the tomatoes.
Drizzle each with 1 tbs. olive oil on top and slide the pizza with a brisk backward move into the floor of a wood burning oven and rotate it occasionally to allow for even cooking. Cook till done (a few minutes), remove from oven with the same pala and serve.
Place two basil leaves over the pizza as you take it of the oven.
Bardolino DOC
Fiano di Avellino DOCG
Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce DOC
Photo : ID 11590498 / perseomedusa / MSCOMM

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