Preparation and cooking time: 2 hours
Samosas were probably introduced to Reunion Island by Indo-Muslims (as they were into many other countries as well) and are now extremely popular at any time of the day and in any place. This savory snack, varyingly spicy, can be served as an hors-d’oeuvre or as part of a buffet. Street vendors compete to sell them and offer a wide variety: either filled with vegetables, pork, chicken, tuna, shrimps (our recipe), etc. If you want to prepare your own samosas, take care in preparing the dough, which must be thin and crispy once it’s cooked.
Samosas are obviously best when they’re hot and have just been fried. If they sit, they become soggy. There are some significant variations in the way this dough is made: I’ve chosen one of the easier versions, though the folding process is a bit complicated.

Combine 250 g (9 oz.) sifted flour with enough water to make a soft non-sticky dough.
Roll the dough out to an approximately 1.5 mm thickness. Cut into even rectangles about 18 x 7 cm (7 x 3”). Place these strips on a preheated baking tray.
Clean and shell the shrimps. Chop them and sprinkle with lime juice. Set aside.
Peel the garlic and ginger; seed the red chili and mash all three together in a mortar with a little salt and pepper. Peel and chop the onion; seed and chop the green chilies; chop the cilantro leaves.
Sauté the shrimps in hot oil with the ginger-garlic-chili paste, the onion and the chopped green chilies. Add the cilantro and turmeric. Mix gently but thoroughly. Taste and adjust the seasoning.

Place one spoon of filling on each strip of dough. Fold the top part down obliquely onto the lower part. Fold the lower part up over the upper already folded part, overlapping the edges to make a kind of cone.
Use a mix of flour diluted in water to seal. You should have a small triangle of filled dough: a samosa! Repeat the operation with the other strips.
Deep fry the samosas in moderately hot oil for 8-10 minutes. Remove, drain and serve immediately.

Hints & Tips