Cooking time: A few seconds
According to Vietnamese tradition, the meal should take place in two stages: first the fondue itself, and then the "soup" at the end of the meal. At the end of the meal, noodles and mushrooms are added to the broth, just long enough to heat them through, and then ladled into small bowls. This appealing custom, the reverse of western tradition, aids digestion.
Soak 1 piece of rice wrapper in the bowl of water; place it onto a plate; put a shrimp, some vegetables and condiments onto the wrapper. Cook the slice of beef in the boiling rice vinegar and place onto the rice wrapper. Roll everything up in a little package, dip into the sauce and eat with your fingers.
Safety tips
If you wish to buy an electric fondue pot, choose one with a heat control. When using fuel burners, always be sure to fill them when cold and wipe the edges thoroughly before lighting.
- small bowls of cold water
- Vietnamese sauce: 125 ml (1/2 cup) nuoc mâm or soya sauce, 125 ml (1/2 cup) water, a drizzle of lemon juice, 1 crushed clove of garlic and a pinch of sugar.
- Slice the mushrooms, cut the carrots into julienne and the green onions into strips about 5 cm (2") long; shred the lettuce leaves.
- Break the rice sheets into 4 pieces.
- Cook the shrimp in water or steam them for 3 minutes.
- Place each ingredient into a small dish.
- Bring a fondue pot containing some rice vinegar to a boil over the heat source - it is better to add more during the cooking time rather than filling it full at the beginning.
- Proceed according to the traditional method (described above.)

Hints & Tips