Preparation: Seeding the grapes can take a long time. Choose a seedless variety.
Cooking time: Under an hour
When I was little, what I liked most was digging out the almonds with a bit of jam. But my mother always scolded that I had to leave some for the others, and she was right!
Suggestion: I found out that in Egypt, they use pine nuts in this jam instead of almonds.
Sophie Gozlan
Step by step

Begin by washing and seeding the grapes - I recommend wearing very thin gloves, available in supermarkets, to avoid ending up with black fingernails after this finnicky operation.
Place the grapes in a large jam pot (or a heavy-bottomed saucepan, so that it doesn't stick).
Sprinkle in the sugar.

Bring everything to a boil, skimming the surface to keep the jam clear, then reduce the heat and cook the fruit and sugar for 30 minutes maximum. Actually, the shorter the cooking time, the more the grapes will retain their flavour. Any longer and you lose the aroma of these seasonal fruits.

Always add the lemon juice at the end of the cooking time. It is very useful because its juice, rich in vitamin C, preserves the color of the fruit.
Using a ladle, remove any seeds that float to the surface. There are always a few.
Meanwhile, toast the almonds in the oven and set aside.
Toast the sesame seeds in a dry non-stick pan; set aside.
Once the jam has thickened, incorporate the almonds and sesame seeds and mix well.
Pour the hot jam into prepared jars and seal immediately. Cool in a dry place.
Hag Sameah!
In special collaboration with Sophie Gozlan, a Tunisian, who presents some of her grandmother's classic recipes.

Hints & Tips