Walnut Bread Recipe
Walnut Bread
Flavors of Nice
Total time: more than 2 hours

Preheat oven at 250°C / 500°F
Prep. time: 15 minutes
Rising time: 3 hours
Baking time: 30 to 40 minutes

Difficulty: Easy
Chef's Note
We suggest serving this bread with meats or cheeses.

If you have time, let the dough rise longer (12 hours); it will make the bread even lighter and you won't need to add the baking powder.

If you don't have time, we suggest Gérard du Cannet's method, in which he lets the dough rise in the microwave oven on the defrost setting until the dough has doubled in volume.

Giordan de la Peppa and José Maria
Vive la cuisine niçoise!
- 400 g (14 oz.) all-purpose flour
- 150 ml (10 tbsp.) walnut oil
- 100 ml (6 tbsp.) water
- 2 packets of yeast
- 1 packet of baking powder
- 250 g (9 oz.) Walnuts
- Salt
  1. Shell the walnuts.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast and baking powder and combine well.
  3. Add the walnut oil, water, salt (very little) and mix;
  4. add a little more flour if necessary so that the dough is not sticky.
  5. Add the shelled walnuts and knead slowly.
  6. Form the dough into a ball and let rise for at least 3 hours in the bowl, covered with a cloth, near a radiator.
  7. Place the dough, without disturbing it too much, into an oiled dish and lightly oil the surface.
  8. Place into a cold oven and heat to 250° C (500° F) for 25 to 30 minutes, depending on the desired doneness.
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